Sigfrid Lundberg's Stuff
Sex, death and sonnets
A note on how to analyse poetry encoded in Text Encoding Initiative XML
Essays, 2022
The Copenhagen cholera epidemic 1853 in contemporary
Danish newspaper prose: Some back-of-an-envelope calculations
Inspired by the fact that we were all hiding away from the
Covid-19 2020 – 2021, I wanted to take a closer look at some other
epidemic. My hope was to find patterns of change in lan- guage use
mirroring sentiments and attitudes expressed in words, bigrams and
trigrams and frequency distributions. I started to write this May
2020 and completed it about two years later.
Media, 2022
My name is Sigfrid Lundberg. The stuff I publish here may, or may not, be of interest for anyone else.
On this site there is material on photography, music, literature and other stuff I enjoy in life. However, most of it is related to my profession as an Internet programmer and software developer within the area of digital libraries. I have been that at the Royal Danish Library, Copenhagen (Denmark) and, before that, Lund university library (Sweden).
The content here does not reflect the views of my employers. They are now all past employers, since I retired 1 May 2023.