Sigfrid Lundberg's Stuff
A Leica lens from Minolta?
The M Rokkor lenses were produced by Minolta for their excellent
rangefinder camera Minolta CLE. I aquired one of them, the 40mm f2.0, for
use with my Olympus E-P2.
Hardware, 2011
A neighbour, almost
I've made a new acquaintance, Gustav Holmberg, a history of science
scholar with a deep interest in photography. He has started a small series
with portraits of cameras he meets on the streets of the world.
Neighbours, 2011
Costs and benefits of standards
The Library communities have been more prone to accept and create
standards than most other communities. Here I try to list costs and benifits
for this.
Metadata processing,
The Library, 2011
I have smoked a cigarr together with The Book Thief
This is the story about the one and only book thief I've met
The Library,
Stories, 2011
On focusing on the essentials
I acquired a socalled mirrorless interchangable lens camera in
August last year. Since than I have used it exclusively with manual focus
vintage lenses. Here I discuss my experience blending old and new imaging
Hardware, 2011
My name is Sigfrid Lundberg. The stuff I publish here may, or may not, be of interest for anyone else.
On this site there is material on photography, music, literature and other stuff I enjoy in life. However, most of it is related to my profession as an Internet programmer and software developer within the area of digital libraries. I have been that at the Royal Danish Library, Copenhagen (Denmark) and, before that, Lund university library (Sweden).
The content here does not reflect the views of my employers. They are now all past employers, since I retired 1 May 2023.